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- October 7, 2019
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Let’s face it, as teachers, we don’t often have many positive things to say about the ever-changing government education policy and even less to say about our funding! One positive though is the dedicated money given to every primary school to support ‘additional and sustainable improvements to the quality physical education (PE), physical activity and sport you offer’ – your PE and Sport Premium grant. Schools with fewer than 17 pupils receive £1000 per pupil and schools with greater than 17 pupils receive £16,000 and an additional £10 per pupil. Pupils must be in school years 1 to 6 and numbers are taken from your January census. In my last school that was a budget of £17,800 to spend!
Now, as always with school money there are restrictions on how this can be spent. It cannot be spent on sports coaches to cover your PPA time, pay for swimming lessons or fund building project (a new tennis court for example) – the Government are very specific about this.
So, how can you spend your £16,000?
- Breakfast and lunchtime clubs.
Employ a sports coach or extra lunch time supervisor or TA to run additional clubs to develop support through the school. Use the opportunity to introduce activities that aren’t usually part of your PE curriculum. Curling or street surfing anyone?
- Encourage competition (friendly or otherwise!)
Why not you some of your money to work with your local Sports Partnership and School Games Organisers to enter competitions? The money could also be spent on training your own staff and pupils to prepare them for these or even run your own school competitions. Equipment to be purchased to allow competitions to be introduced and then run, year on year.
- Develop the skills and knowledge of your staff.
Money can be spent on CPD for your whole staff to increase knowledge and skills. Resources for delivery can also be purchased, or subscriptions to planning sites as well.
- Enrichment days
How about working with local clubs or activity providers to hold enrichment or taster sessions to give your children an idea of what is available to them? Do you have a local outdoor activity company? A mobile climbing wall that can come into school or even a caving centre who could accommodate you for the day? Could you set up an orienteering course around your school grounds or even hide a geocache by the school entrance with treasure in? Shhh, just don’t tell the muggles!
- Invest in your outdoor space.
Although PE and sport premium money cannot be spent on capital expenditure projects it can be spent on improving the outdoor activity children in a way that is sustainable and lasting. Inspired Playground markings, leadership training and the accompanying supporting app will help hugely to increased activity and academic achievement of pupils across your school. Train up your Year Five children as Sport Leaders and you will have a very strong cohort of children with you for two years who have developed both physically and personally. Young Sports Leaders are inspirational in the work they do across the school with younger children and they can also help you to reduce behavioural needs and increase academic standards.
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